Insect Flash Cards for Preschoolers
Hello, Remember that I wrote about how we can write about any animal if we follow this pattern: 1. It should start with an important fact about the animal. 2. It should tell what the animal looks like. 3. It should tell where the animal lives. 4. It should tell what the animal eats. 5. I t should end with an interesting fact about the animal or the writer's own feelings towards the animal 😊 I used this pattern in my insect worksheets. I provided information about some insects and a spider 🕷️ (a spider is not an insect as it has 8 legs 😊) and I provided worksheets for children to write according to the above-mentioned pattern. I believe that it was good practice for teaching children how to write about any animal be it an insect, a marine animal, or a reptile. If you don't know what I am talking about and are new to my website, please check out my insect worksheets here . However, children will not be able to write about an animal if they don't know anything about it. Th...