Brain Boosting Activities for Kids: Mazes
Hello friends, I have been doing a lot of maths and reading comprehension worksheets lately but haven't done any brain-boosting activities for a long time. Hence, I thought that I should make some worksheets that have no reading or writing in them but pure fun. When it comes to brain-boosting activities that are also quite fun, mazes are the first thing that comes to my mind. 🧠 💡 🧠 💡 🧠 💡 🧠 💡 Why is maze solving a brain-boosting activity? Why is maze solving a brain-boosting activity? 🟢 Mazes improve the cognitive skills of children. 🟢 When a maze puzzle is placed in front of children, it boosts their brain by making them think, reason, and remember. 🟢 They have to first understand the puzzle, work out a way ✏️ while remembering the dead ends. It makes them focus 👀 and sharpens their memory; Mazes are amazing for stimulating the brains inside the little heads of our children. 🟢 In today's world, children are too much dependent on screens and it is dulling their...